After graduating with a Master of Contextual Design at the Design Academy of Eindhoven, in 2017 Francesco Pace founded Tellurico, a multidisciplinary design studio specialising in objects, spaces and installations design.
The investigation of alternative solutions through the study of folklore, together with the relationship between crafts and the environment has been the centre of Tellurico’s practice. The context in which a project is born has been the primary focus of these years' research. What binds the objects to the characteristic of the place itself intertwines the historical, geological and social aspects of humankind, as well as the uniqueness and simplicity of everyday life. It is an always expanding field of investigation, as endless are the ways to live.
In 2020 Tellurico has been nominated by Platform Magazine among the Best Italian Designers Under 40. In 2021 Tellurico won the prestigious Officine Saffi Awards with his project Telluride and in 2022 has been listed among the Next Pure Talent of 2022 by Elle Decor, in 2023 became part of the AD20 List of the New Italian Rising Talent from AD-Italia and 2024 Exibart nominated Tellurico among the 222 Designer and Artist to which invest in to.
So far, Tellurico’s works have been presented in many international venues such as the Biennale of Architecture in Venice, and the Van AbbeMuseum in Eindhoven, Ithra in Dammam, Hong Kong Design Institute, M.A.D.RE. Museum in Naples, Triennale di Milano, Brøhån Museum in Berlin, Collectible Bruxelles, Beirut Design Fair, Italian Pavilion in Barcelona, Zoya Museum in Bratislava and others. He works closely with cultural institutions, international brands and private collectors receiving commissions from different galleries such as the Emma Scully Gallery in New York, Side-Gallery in Barcelona, Mint London and soon with Philia Gallery
Among other things, Tellurico is also a professor of Product Design at NABA in Milan.
Tellurico lives and works in the Netherlands.
Next Talent 2022 - Elle Decor Italia
Officine Saffi Awards 2021 - Special Prize Winner
Best Italian Designer 2020 Under 40 - Platform Magazine
Cræftiga Awards 2018 - Shortlisted - Hole & Corner
Van Abbe Museum, Design Academy of Eindhoven, Biennale Design Venezia, Dutch Design Foundation, ADI Design Musuem, Mint Gallery London, Emma Scully Gallery New York, Corraini Edizioni Milano, Contemporary Cluster Roma, BMW Napoli, Fendi Napoli, Museo M.A.D.RE., Athens Design Forum, C.U.Uniform, Bratislava Design Week, 5Vie Milano, Istituto Italiano della Cultura Barcelona, Beta Applied Research, Algorithmic Perfumery, Side-Gallery Barcelona, Galleria Salvatore Lanteri, Joy Mardini Gallery, Galeria SeismasUno, Riot Studio Napoli.
Feel free to check my Portfolio & CV here
2014/ 2016 - Design Academy Eindhoven - Master Degree in Contextual Design
2012/ 2014 - Politecnico di Milano - Master Degree in Product Design for Innovation - CUM LAUDE
Feb-Oct 2013 - UDK, Universität der Kuntzé - Product design - Berlin
2007/ 2010 - S.U.N. Facoltà di Architettura Luigi Vanvitelli, Product Design Département - Napoli
06 - 2022, Live performance ‘’ Oliverso’’ for Universo Cancellato Uniform, Milan IT
04 - 2022, Lecturer at the Marangoni Institute, ‘’Entrata dell’Inferno, behind the scene’’, Milan IT
10 - 2021, Live performance ‘’ Dissonant Classicism’’ for Athens Design Forum, Athens GR
09 - 2021, Live performance ‘’ Untitled 1B’’ for 5Vie, Milan IT
04 - 2021, Director and Lecturer of the course IN-SITU: Ricerca e Progettazione in Contesti Sociali, Geologici e Folcloristici’'
04 - 2021, Lecturer at the American University of Beirut, ‘'Design Beyond Design’’, Beirut LB
04 - 2021, Talk with Nicola nunziata ‘’Dal Contesto al Progetto’’
10 - 2020, Live performance ‘’ Untitled 1A’’ for 5Vie, Milan IT
10 - 2020, Lecturer at ADI Design Museum, Milan IT
07 - 2020, Design Residency Programme, Schloß Hollenegg for Design, Hollenegg AU
05 - 2019, Lecturer at Marangoni Institute, Milan IT
12 - 2018, Lecturer at MADE Programme, Siracusa IT
10 - 2018, Telluride, Shortlisted for Craeftiga Awards 2018 - London UK
06 - 2018, Panel Lecture - Telluride, Bratislava Design Week, Bratislava - SK
09 - 2017, Panel Lecture - Beirut Design Fair, Visioni Opposte - Beirut - LB
09 - 2017, Visioni Opposte - Winner of the Price Best Design Initiative from Beirut Design Fair, Beirut - LB
05 - 2017, Guest Lecturer at Design Department at Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts, Beirut - LB
05 - 2017, Beirut Art Residency Programme - Residency and Solo Show - LB
02 - 2016, Lecturer at K.A.B.K. in Den Haag, Contradictions and Paradoxes - NL
05 - 2012, Festival architettura in città - Video Installation, (with Natasha Fenoglio) - Turin IT
06 - 2012, Design Library - Video Installation & Mapping, (with Fabrizio Vatieri) - Milan IT
10 - 2010, P.A.N. - Fendi for Children - Video Installation & Performance - Naples IT
2009/2010, Museo MADRE - Video Performances - Naples IT
05 - 2009, Panel Lecture at Design in Mostra - Naples IT

photo by Chris Kontos for Kennedy Magazine